Primark Haul | March 2015
Sunday, 29 March 2015I gotta say, I'm a Primark fan. I know many people dislike it for many different reasons, but I love it! I haven't had a big Primark spend for a while and during March, I found myself going there on tw0 different occasions. I'd buy pieces on my first trip but then would think about something I didn't buy, so then I'd go back to purchase it but pick up additional items and do the same thing again. Any excuse for me to go back is what it seems like. In light of this, I thought I'd share with you on what I purchased from Primark during the month of March.
Next up is this really cute heart necklace. The thing I like about this is, is that it's not a pendant, so you don't go losing it around your neck. It's in a fixed place, where it should be. I picked it up because it had a heart on it and it was only £1.50, which is a bargain.
As I proceed to walk around the store, I came across the cheapy vest section. Seeing as I wear them a lot under my clothes and as pyjama tops, I got myself two in quite opposite colours, pale blue and burgundy. As they were both £2.50 each, I couldn't say no.
In the store I shop in, the nightwear is close to the homeware, so I wanted to have a little snoop around, see if there was anything I could buy.
As I was heading back to the women's section, I stumbled across these cute lace trimmed socks. I originally thought they were dots, but they are actually bits of cotton on the socks so they did feel a bit weird when I first started walking around in them but they've all been squished on the bottom now, so it's all good. These were only £1.50 so, in they went.
When I went to the jewellery section, I grabbed this pack of 6 bracelets. They all have some sort of pendant on them (heart shaped mainly, which made me want to get them), but the top 4 have the letters L O V E on them, respectively, which was cute. Although they are priced at £2 as per the sticker, I noticed on the receipt they are down as £1. Not sure if that's a pricing error or it's genuine, but they are cute.
And just above those, I picked up this 3 pack of bracelets, each with a different design. I like the middle one the most, as it has two swallows at each end but I like the concept of them not being 'complete'. Just makes them look cool on your wrist. At £2, I popped them in my basket.
Something else that caught my eye was this pretty greeny-turquoisy blouse, with a white flower pattern. Like the red one, I could easily wear this as part of a smart of casual outfit and it's not a colour I posses much of and at £4 again, I didn't turn this down.
Before I headed to the checkout, I wanted to see if they had these specific jogging bottoms, as I don't really have any that I can just wear around the house. Luckily, they did have what I was looking for and didn't hesitate and grabbing some. Like the pyjama bottoms, they are lightweight material and super comfy to wear. These were only £4.90, although I'm sure they were priced differently on the label.
And there you have it. Those were purchases from Primark during March. I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
If you bought anything from Primark, what were your favourite pieces? Did we buy any of the same things? Post your answers in the comments below.
Look after yourself,