At the beginning of the year, I got myself a Happiness Planner and I was so determined to make 2016 a good year, that I was going to make many memories and plan on doing some things with my life, and although that did happen to a degree, there was just a certain point in the year where things just went downhill, to the point where I just felt like giving up, just lost motivation to keep trying to make it a good year. But I wanted to put a little review in writing, so that I can look back on this and see how 2016 was for me but also share this with you. It's a long one so get a tea (or whatever beverage you want) and get comfy.
January seemed to start off pretty okay, was meeting friends, keeping up with my Teatox, losing a bit of weight but the good feeling didn't last long as my job started to already become stressful, something I wanted to avoid, especially so early on in the year and I had a further health issue. But that wasn't going to be something too dwell on too much and just got on with it. This was also when I started the contraceptive injection as I could no longer be on the pill.
February took it's toll and again, my job was becoming a bit of a handful for me to deal with but it got better towards the end as I spent some time with my mum, celebrated her birthday and treated her, as I don't see her as often as I wished, spent Valentine's Day with my boyfriend and enjoyed some cheeky little date nights. So, I've already noticed that I would have a mixture of good and bad patches in each month.
When it reached March and being the month of my birthday, again, there was the good patch, where I just felt so happy and being gifted with a Mac from my boyfriend and getting me a really nice birthday cake, taking me to breakfast and dinner. It was the first day in a long time that I felt so content but then, bad patch came round and it was work related. I think this was the point where I knew I needed to do something about that because every month so far, I always had a bad patch, which related to work.
April was a very mixed month. The stresses weren't actually work related. If anything, my job was pretty good this month but my relationship got a little rocky and although there were many tears (all from me), it was all fixed in the end and we had a lovely little holiday together in Cornwall, which was so much fun and much needed. I also spent time with friends, celebrated birthdays, went to Go Ape and all sorts. April was the month where I had so much fun and was the best one I had all of 2016.
May came around, started to bring some nice weather so I had a few BBQ's but I also had a bit of a health kick and lost a tiny bit of weight, something that I still had on my 2016 goals. I also stopped my Warfarin medication which I had been on for 6 months due to the blood clots I developed late 2015, but had to wait atleast a month to see if I was able to stay off them, so that was quite an anxious wait. My boyfriend and I went to view a house, as we would like to own one. Although we probably would just have enough money for the deposit and monthly outgoings, we just didn't feel like we'd be comfortable enough to live each month so it was the only house we went to view but the experience was really good. I had to make some decisions in terms of my job because, even though it had been okay for atleast 2 months, I had to think more long term.
June was another good month, where I spent some quality time with people, went swimming a lot with my friend, but did have a hospital visit which turned out to be fine, still had the wait to see if no longer had to be on Warfarin but I think June was another chilled month. Oh and it was announced that we'd be leaving the EU. That wasn't great.
Now more than halfway into the year, July showed that things seemed to be getting better. I found out that I didn't have to be on Warfarin anymore, which was such a relief. It meant that I could be a bit more normal again. I spent a weekend doing activities with friends, such as car boot, an escape room, trampolining, laser quest, but work started to get a little stressful again, to the point where I got quite emotional but luckily, I had some time off just after, so I was able to mentally rest for a few days.
August I think was when things started to take a turn for the worse. I had to do things I didn't want to do (which I know sounds selfish but you'd have to have been there to understand), it picked up a bit because it was my boyfriends birthday and we went kayaking, went to another escape room and went to the casino. But again, quickly turned bad, where I was in floods of tears, saying that I was actually unhappy with myself, how I hadn't really lost much weight, if anything, I had put more on, I wasn't happy within my job anymore and after saying all of this, it was a real eye opener for me, that I had to start looking after myself. It was such a sad point in my life but my boyfriend was very supportive and said he would help me. So we went out walking in the evenings a few times a week, every little bit helps. I also spent time with friends again, for birthday celebrations, told them how I was feeling but it was nice to let all of it out.
September. It started off really lovely, as my friends sent me little messages to cheer me up after hearing how much of a hard time I had in the past few weeks, which really lifted up my spirit. But, it came crashing down on me. I found out that my Nan was diagnosed with cancer. I couldn't believe it and just didn't know what to do with myself. I really wanted to see her, but she was down in Cornwall and had no real way of getting down there so suddenly. Luckily, my boyfriend managed to get time off work, as did I so we travelled down the same night, just so that I could see her, after hearing the news. Although it's an awful thing, luckily it's in an early stage, so she'll be having surgery and radiotherapy soon. After seeing family and telling them how things have been, I decided to hand in my notice at work. It was something that was make me unhappy and wasn't helping me feel better about myself. Immediately, I already felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders, knowing that there was going to be an end. I spent more time with friends again, something I love doing on a regular basis, as we always found it hard to see each other as we were always busy.
October was quite a steady month, where nothing really seemed to happen. I went Go-Karting, went to Sketch in London for a friends birthday so although I had some fun experiences, I had a few down days but nothing serious enough that it made me breakdown. I managed to get some inspiration and did quite a few blog posts in quick succession, which made me happy. I love October mainly because it's when Autumn really hits, where all the leaves start falling off the trees.
November I consider the month that did it for me, where I just didn't want 2016 anymore. It started off so amazingly, as my boyfriend and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary and he surprised me with roses to work (yes, I was still there as I had a three month notice period). I also met up with an old colleague for some drinks, saw my Nan again and played bingo with her, celebrated my cousins birthday, saw my friends again and had a cosy night in with homemade paella, movies and wine. But then, I started to get ill. It started off as a migraine, then an aching body but after being off work for a few days, although I felt crappy, I went in, but started to develop a real bad cough. I spent the weekend with some friends, doing a game jam (where you try and develop a game in a weekend) but on the Sunday, I just felt so awful. I went to work on the Monday, coughing like crazy and people questioned why I even went in but Tuesday hit me and I just couldn't do it. I then didn't go in for the rest of the week but because the cough didn't go, I went to the the doctors to see if I had a chest infection. Although I didn't, the doctor was concerned as my heart rate was high and based on my history with P.E, he wanted me to go to the hospital go get checked out, as he was worried I might have developed the clots again. I was at the hospital for hours, had blood tests, scans, the usual and a blood test came back positive, which wasn't a good sign so they wanted me to go back on the Monday so I could have a CT scan so they could check my blood flow and see if there were any blockages. Later that evening, I found out that my baby cat (only 2 years old) was hit and killed by a car in a instant. I was heartbroken and we buried her in my garden. I think this was the day that I just didn't want to do 2016 anymore. I didn't want to play this game called life. As sad as I still was, I went and had my scan and they said that I didn't have any clots forming, so that was the plus out of all of this.
When we hit December, I was quite glad, as this was the last month, and be able to finally say goodbye to 2016. It started off fairly straight forward. My last day was approaching so had to start getting that all finished off, I had my Christmas party, got very drunk and emotional but I had a great time. My final day at work arrived and it was quite sad, as I was going to miss the people close to me the most, but I couldn't wait to have some chill time and spend it with my boyfriend, who also had time off too. I started gearing up for Christmas, buying presents, met up with friends for our annual Christmas get-together and enjoying some well-deserved time off. Christmas approached pretty quickly and suddenly it was over and done with but enjoyed the time I spent with my family.
I'm now sitting here on the 31st December, finishing up this post and when I read back on it, 2016 was quite a mixed bag of emotions. So yes, I do want to give it a bit of an 'F you', but I don't want that to stop me for the next year. I will keep on trying and if 2017 turns out to be another bad year, then I'll just try again in 2018. There are going to be segments in life where things just don't go to plan and that is okay but just know that things will get better in the end. I do have plans for 2017, something that will be written up in a separate post. I do look back and think I shouldn't have let certain times get to me the way they did, but I'm human and in that moment, you just have to let it all out.
It's been an emotional year, with good and bad times, doing lots of activities and spending more time with friends, but I'm glad to see the back of it.
2016, over and out.
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year. You find yourself eating lots of food, being able to relax but most importantly, it's being able to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Gift giving is such fun. You spend weeks in advance finding and wrapping them up, which can be a little stressful at times, but it's always a great feeling to see their reactions and in return, it's always great to see what you got.
This year, I didn't really know what I wanted but gave a few ideas to people so it was up to them on what they bought for me. Although it appears that I didn't get much, I'm very appreciative to my family and friends for what I did get, as they went out of their way to get something they thought I'd like. I'm in no way boasting in what I got for Christmas this year, it's just a simple post to show you what I did get.
First of all, I got the Ice Cube gift set from Lush which was given to me by my Grandparents. It consists of a Frozen bath bomb, Christingle body conditioner, the Whoosh shower jelly and some Igloo soap. Although it wasn't something that I specifically asked/wanted, I was pleasantly surprised by this because I love Lush products and don't really have many at the moment so it was nice to get a little handful of goodies. I got a mini pack of Ted Baker perfumes from my sister, which smelt really good and floral, perfect for when Spring comes round. I got two small Yankee candles, from two different friends, in the scents Red Apple Wreath and Beach Holiday. I am a sucker for candles so these are a perfect Christmas gift.
Moving on down, I was gifted with a Travel Sewing Tin and some Assorted Plasters from a friend. These will be perfect to take with you if you're travelling, something I am doing in the summer so will be handy to take these with me. My sister surprised me this year and got me a MAC lipstick in the shade D For Danger and a mini Prep + Prime primer. I tried the lipstick later on in the evening and it's such a beautiful red shade, I fell in love with it. My Grandparents got me the other MAC lipstick in the shade Chatterbox. I used this on Boxing Day and it's a lovely pink shade and loved it so much. From another friend, I got the Playboy 'Play It Lovely' Eau de Toilette. Such a charming, floral scent that I can't wait to use in the coming months. I got a really cute hand cream in Panda packaging from her also. I have so many lip balms but you can honestly never have too many.
I was given a soft, warm bobble hat and touch screen gloves from my boyfriends mum. People see me wearing hats a lot, especially in the winter season so it doesn't come as a surprise that I get atleast one for Christmas. I was gifted by another friend with a Starbucks gift card (can't go wrong with one of those). She also got me this really cool porcelain tumbler with gold detailing. Annoyingly, it was in the wash when I took the picture but it's really handy to have if I'm going out and about and want to take a hot drink with me. I quite like stationery and cute things so my friend getting me these small rubbers was a nice little addition to the other gifts she got me (she got me the travel sewing tin and the assorted plasters). The next gift in the picture is this lovely infinity bracelet from my friend who got me the Eau de Toilette. She got me and my friends one each which is such a brilliant idea so it's nice we all have a little something which is the same and reminds of each other. A little something from my mum was the Ultra Sculpt & Contour kit. Although she gave me money for Christmas, she wanted to atleast give me something and as I'm getting in makeup a bit more, this was a nice little present to get.
Lastly, from my Dad I got the Chloe Eau de Parfum. I love this perfume, it's one of my absolute favourites. Mine ran out earlier in the year but never treated myself to a new one but I'm so happy my Dad got me it again.
I also got some money, a snood and some candle holders but just didn't add them to the photo but that is everything I got! I love all of my gifts and I thank everybody for what they got for me. I'm yet to see my boyfriend for Christmas so I'm waiting to see what he got me.
Did you have a good Christmas? Did you get what you wanted?
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
Last Friday, it was my works' Christmas party and wanted to get dolled up for it. One of my colleagues that I work closely with has never seen me with a proper full face of makeup. I usually wear minimal or nothing when I'm in the office so she was excited to see me looking different but she offered to do it for me. She's so bloody good at doing make up so I happily accepted the offer.
I had no clue what colour scheme we were going to do so I just packed lots of stuff, different colours, different products and just hoped that it was going to be enough for her to work with. She spent almost an hour doing it for me and this was the final result:
Although I can't give you a 'Get ready with me' type post, I just wanted to share the products that I used so that if there was anything you liked, you know what it is.
For my face, I used the Maybelline Baby Skin pore eraser, so just to that my skin was soft and would allow the makeup to be applied nice and evenly. For the base, I used my favourite foundation, my Nars Sheer Glow Foundation. I absolutely love this foundation, such good coverage and then on the blemishes and the dark circles under my eyes, I just used the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. I used a bit of the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder just to to make my face a little bit more matte looking, as the foundation makes me look a little dewy. Finally, I used my B. Glowing Shimmer Block Blush 196. We used some of the white powder and used it for highlight (stupidly, I forgot my newer blush/highligher palette so we used this as an alternative, which still worked just as good).
For the eyes, we used 4 different ColourPop Eye Shadows; Brady, Drift, Shop and Supermodel. These colours go so well together that it created some kind of shimmery, rose gold smokey eye and the final result looked gorgeous. We also used some Barry M black Liquid Eyeliner, to get a nice wing and compliment the eye shadow goodness that was created. So that I didn't get my eyes poked, I did the eyeliner and mascara myself. I used the Avon Glimmerstick Diamonds Eyeliner in Smokey Diamond. Although you can use any regular eyeliner pencil, this is what I had in my makeup bag at the time but because there is a little bit glitter/shimmer, I thought it would go with the festive look. I also just my Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara, to give me super long lashes.
To finish off the eye area, we filled in my brows with the Archery Brow Pencil and then tidied them up using the brush on the other end.
For lips, I decided to go for a newbie to my collection, Viper by ColourPop. This colour looks so different in the tube than how it actually came out, but I think it really finished this look off nicely.
To keep everything intact, I used my NYX Matte Finish Setting Spray, so that it will keep the look together for as long as possible (although I drunkingly cried/smudged it all off by about 10pm, oops).
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and if you have a Christmas party coming up, it helped you come up with your makeup look.
Do you have a set look for parties, or do you like to mix it up?
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
I recently went to Sketch in London for afternoon tea for a friends birthday and it was one of the most amazing experiences ever.
Located on Conduit Street, a side road off Regent Street, Sketch is close to the popular Oxford Circus tube station. From looking at the outside of the building, you wouldn't even imagine what it holds on the inside. We were greeted by the front door and were taken to The Gallery, where we would be situated for our afternoon tea. As soon as you walk through the archway, you just see a room full of pink seats, pink walls, gold detailing and lots of pictures. The room itself was so breathtaking, it reminded me of the Titanic where they had the domes in the ceiling. I just couldn't stop staring.
We arrived at our table, was helped into my seat and settled down, nice and comfortably. We were looked after by this nice waitress, who took our order of tea (I went with Vanilla tea) and asked if we had any questions or wanted anything. We asked if we could get some water for the table.
As it was a special occasion, we opted for the champagne afternoon tea. So we had tea being filled into our cups and champagne being poured into our glasses. So much going on already. After being there for about 15-20 minutes (which goes by so quickly because you are literally so mesmerised by everything), our food arrived. It was presented so exquisitely to the point I didn't even want to touch it. But hey, I was there to eat and enjoy myself so I started to delve into the sandwiches. The waitress said that we could ask for more sandwiches if we wanted to, which we ended up doing, just the ones we enjoyed the most.
About half an hour later, where we only really finished the sandwiches (included the extra ordered ones), the waitress came round and said that there is still plenty more to get through. We still had our scones and slice of battenburg cake to go! I decided to have a plain scone and it seemed like within a blink of an eye, there they were in all their glory. The jam was so smooth and the cream was delicious. It was a dream. We decided to get more, even though we still had our selection of mini cakes and tarts.
More scones came round, the waitress got us more tea and this is the point where I was getting really quite full. This is the point where I realised we probably didn't need to order more sandwiches or scones but I proceeded to carry on.
Slowly but surely, I made my way through the cakes and tarts and it was becoming a struggle. I know I didn't have to eat it, but I didn't want it to go to waste. I wanted to finish everything that was given to me. It took me a while but I did it, I finished it.
We were given the bill and I wasn't surprised by how much it cost for four of us, but I think it's great that you can ask for more sandwiches, cakes etc for nothing. Don't get me wrong, it is pricey but it's so worth the experience. I've never said thank you so many times in quick succession in my life. Everyone was so lovely and took good care of us, making sure our glasses of water and mugs of tea were still full.
After we paid, we couldn't just go without seeing the bathrooms. Seeing the egg shaped toilets finished the day off perfectly. Of course my friends and I had to take some mirror pictures.
I will definitely remember this day for many years to come and would love to go back another point in time. I would for sure recommend you go if you get the chance. It's so worth it and so amazing.
Have you been to Sketch? How was your experience?
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
My skin hasn't been my best friend for many years. I could never seem have a week where I didn't have some sort of blemish on my face but I have the problem where I have a spot, I do pick at it, which I know is not good in the slightest. Although I'm getting better at not doing it, I still find that I would still get spots and blemishes quite often.
I've used many products over the years, some which would work to start with, some which didn't work at all, or some which would make it worse. It didn't help that my hormones have been all over the place, thanks to me having P.E and switching from the pill to the injection so my body was trying to adapt, meaning that some days/weeks it was pretty bad.
I was in a blog chat a while ago now and a question came up, asking what are people's skincare 'holy grail', with many saying theirs was the Pixi Glow Tonic. Seeing the amount of responses, I asked a couple of people why, how was it such a good product and they all said that it has made their skin look and feel so much better since using it. Being part of the blogging community, you really take on the advice and opinions of other bloggers so I wanted to give it a go, to see if it would work. I saw that they sold it in M&S so I went on a hunt after work to buy it. It is a little pricey, at £18 for a 250ml bottle but I was willing to try it based on the feedback I got from others. I made sure that I would use this in the evening before going to bed, regardless if I had makeup on that day or not. I started using it when my skin was pretty bad but noticed that from only using it for a few days, it really cleared it up. It reduced the redness to start with, so they weren't so obvious but after 2/3 days, it basically made them non-existent, especially for the smaller ones. I would say that after atleast 5/6 days in a row using this, my face cleared up completely. I only really had a small mark from where the blemish was. I was so happy how quickly it turned around and my skin was all lovely and clean, healthy and hydrated. Although there is a bit of a purse pinching price attached, I would totally recommend this product to anyone who struggles with their skin a bit. Of course I was worried about spending this money and it potentially not work but it's totally worth it and I'm so glad it's worked out. You can buy a 100ml for £10 if you don't want to spend too much on it. Do you own the Pixi Glow Tonic? Do you share the same experience as me? I'd love to you know your stories using this product.
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
Another month has passed, another month we're closer to the end of 2016. Where has this year gone?! Only feels like yesterday that I was cheering in a new year and I'm about to do it again so soon. But, not dwelling on it too much, October is a great month. I love it! I love that the leaves go all orange and crispy. I love that the days get colder. I love that I can start bringing out my hats and jumpers again. I just love it.
On the topic of love, I thought that I would share the things that I have enjoying during the month of October.
First up, it's the Garnier Moisture Bomb Tissue Mask. As much as I do enjoy how it gets colder (I can't handle the heat well), I do find that it makes my skin awfully dry. So I've been using these masks about once a week just to keep it hydrated. I've been seeing these in Boots and Superdrug for only 99p, which is a really good, affordable price. I tend to have one just before going to bed, when I'm reading my book.
This moves me on nicely to the next favourite and it's the book The Girl on the Train. I'm not much for reading books, and never really have been but earlier in the month, I went and saw the film with some friends. I had heard that the book was pretty good but I went based on the trailer. I found the film really good and captivating and I actually, for once, wanted to read the book, to see how it compares. So far, it's been an enjoyable read, and just as good as the film.
My next monthly favourite has been the Zoella Hungry Hands, the hand cream from her latest collection from her beauty range. I've not bought anything from Zoella before, not because I've had no interest, I just felt like my time hasn't come yet, and that there will be something right up my alley one day. When she released her video talking about her new range, this one spoke out to me the most. I purchased Hungry Hands and immediately fell in love with the product. The packaging and the smell is very pleasing and when applying this to my hands, it leaves them feeling hydrated and smell absolutely divine. I know this is going to last me a long time, as a small amount goes a really long way but I'm gutted to know that it's only going to be out for Christmas, so I may just have to buy one or two to enjoy it for a longer period of time. This product just screams Autumn and I love it!
Last but not least, I have been enjoying a new hot beverage, Chai Latte Vanilla. This is a very autumnal drink and so lovely. It's definitely one of those 'you either love it or you hate it' drinks but the blend of spices and vanilla makes a winter warmer, especially when I'm in the office and in need of a little pick me up. If you're a fan of Chai or Pumpkin Spice Latte, then I think you'll enjoy this too.
There you have it, that was my October favourites. Are any of these your favourites too? Do you recommend any products for November? Leave your comments below.
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
Ever since I have had this blog, there hasn't really been anything about the person behind it all. Yeah, you may have me on Twitter or Instagram but even that doesn't tell you much. After reading some of the girl's posts on GRLPOWR, I thought 'Hey, why don't I do that?'. That way, you guys can know a little more about me and hopefully, answered any questions you might have had. So, here goes!
Here is a recent photo of me :)
What’s your middle name?
My middle name is Rachael (yes, with the A). I'm really not sure if this was derived from anyone specific (like people in family) but I don't recall any close relatives being called Rachael, so I guess it was a case of my parents liking the name.
What was your favourite subject at school?
I know it's not a 'core' subject because I pretty much hated them all, I quite enjoyed Media Studies. It was the fact that I was able to just create stuff how I wanted to, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much (even though I got a D in my exams haha).
What is your favourite drink?
Now, it all depends if it's alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Lets give you answers to both. For non-alcoholic, it has to be tea. I absolutely love tea, but you gotta have a few cheeky biscuits to dunk too. On the other end of the spectrum and we're talking alcoholic, I really enjoy Kopparberg Strawberry & Lime cider. Or, Disaronno and coke. Love them both.
What’s your favourite song at the moment?
Ooh, favourite song? I quite enjoy a variety of music but the one that I've been enjoying the most recently is 'Is This Love' by Bob Marley feat. LVNDSCAPE & Bolier (it's a remix).
What’s your favourite food?
Now, this is where I could probably answer for England, because I love food. But if I really had to narrow it down, it'll be Chicken Fajitas. Or Pasta. I know that's two but I could seriously give you more :)
What’s the last thing you bought?
Haha, I double checked my online banking and it was for Deliveroo, for a Burger King :'D
Favourite book of all time?
Honestly, I'm not much of a book person but the only book (well, series) I ever read was the Harry Potter books. Especially as each film came out, I enjoyed going back over the books to see how they differed.
Favourite colour?
I don't really have a favourite colour at the moment. I can give you a colour that I was obsessed with at one point. It was burgundy. I swear, I bought so many clothes, accessories in that colour, you have no idea.
Do you have any pets?
I do! :D I currently have 4 cats, who I love to bits. One is called G (we had her brother who we named T, so they were called G&T, as in Gin and Tonic. Don't ask), another is called Lily and then we have a brother & sister called Milo and Luna. My family and I are cat people so we've had atleast one cat since I was about 6.
I really enjoy going to Cornwall. It's the only real place I've gone on holiday to (as I've only been out the UK once to Ireland) and I just love the sites & the beaches. Plus I have some family down there.
Are you married?
I'm not married, although I am happily in a relationship with my boyfriend, who I've been with for nearly 7 years.
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?
Once, to Ireland (I know I just said it up there). I went with my friends who I've known since school so I'm glad my first trip out of the UK was with them.
Do you speak any other languages?
Unfortunately no. I did do French in secondary school but that didn't go far.
How many siblings do you have?
Just the one younger sister, who is like my best friend. We can do such stupid stuff and we just laugh, even though it makes no sense to anyone else.
What’s your favourite shop?
I love Topshop and I know this isn't a shop, but ASOS too. Can't miss out on Primark though for some bargains.
Favourite Restaurant?
YO! Sushi. I love their katsu curry and chicken gyozas. Love, love love.
When was the last time you cried?
On Thursday, I think. I was just trying to eat my dinner and I just got really sad. My boyfriend was there to comfort me though.
Favourite Blog?
There are so many to choose from. I've seen so many lovely blogs lately that I honestly can't pick one.
Favourite Film?
Harry Potter all the way. It's weird to think I was only 9 when the first film came out! So long ago but it was just magical all the way to the end.
Favourite TV Shows?
It's not on TV but OITNB. So, so good. I also find RuPaul's Drag Race such a laugh.
PC or Mac?
I've been a PC user for so long but I got a Mac for my birthday. I was speechless. I absolutely love mine.
What phone do you have?
iPhone 6 in grey, although I kinda want to get the 6S Rose Gold. The plus is way to big for my hands. Personally, I don't like the SE.
How tall are you?
About 5ft 5in. It's kinda nice because when I cuddle my boyfriend, I can fit just under his chin.
Can you cook?
I'd like to say that I can. I cooked a katsu curry for the first a few months ago and it actually came out alright. I've been really trying to cook new things recently because I'm getting bored of eating the same things.
And there we go! Now you know a little bit more about me. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Is there anything that we share in common?
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
This is a very different post for me, as this really revolves around me and my personal situations so I'm a little nervous about posting this. I was involved in some blogger chats recently and after briefly touching on the subject, I felt that maybe I should do a blog post on this, not to get sympathy from anyone, but more to raise awareness on the issues that the contraceptive pill can cause. This is going to be quite the essay so get comfy.
Back in November 2015, there was a Friday after work when I felt a little bogged down but I put it down to the fact that it was a long week and I had worked a near 12 hour day and I was just tired. I got home, had dinner and then went to bed, pretty average for a Friday night nowadays. But the next morning was the start of my life for the next 6 months. My body felt a little achy but as I proceeded to get out of bed and do a classic morning stretch, I had the worst pain on my left hand side ever. It felt as though something was restricted and couldn't do what it usually could. I would take a deep breath (although I couldn't even do that deep) and I just had this overwhelming pain and it would make me breathless, like someone was cutting off my airways. For so long, I thought I might have had a bladder infection or something as the pain when I'd stretch was so similar but the breathing part just didn't quite add up. I proceed to carry on my day, went over to a friends house for dinner and games but after a while, I didn't have to breathe too hard for it to start hurting, to the point where I was holding my hand over the area, sitting in an awkward position just to ease the pain. Come Sunday, the pain was still there, still not being able to breathe deeply and spent most of it in bed. By this point, I just knew that something wasn't right. Monday morning was here and I thought that I should go to my doctors to check it out. I'd rather he say it was something small and treatable than to ignore it and it be something really bad. I called for an appointment at 8am, called my work to say I wasn't going to be in and likely that I'll be fine and I'd be in the next day. My appointment was at 11:20am so I had to just wait around but the pains were still there but luckily, didn't feel worse than the day before. I asked my sister to come with me, just for support but as the time gets closer to 11am, I just wanted this to be over with. I get called in, I explain to my doctor how I've been feeling, where it hurts etc. and he proceeded to do his checks. He checked my pulse (which was a little high for a resting rate, can't remember exact number) and uses a stethoscope on my back to hear if there was anything unusual. Once the assessment was done, he suggests that I go to the hospital because he has a suspicion on what it is. He calls the nearest hospital to tell them that I'm coming, gives me the name of the ward I need to find and to get there ASAP. As I don't drive and no one was around to give me a lift, I travelled an hour (doctors to hospital) via public transport and from the walking, I started to feel quite breathless. It just felt like such a struggle to only walk for 10-20 minutes, bearing in mind I do it often when I walk to work. I got to the hospital around 2pm, found the ward I needed to be at and waited around to be seen. I started off with some blood tests, an X-ray of my chest and an ECG to check on my heart. The nurse also asked me the typical questions, just for records sake. I waited around for quite a long time, with my poor sister still with me but eventually, I was told that based on blood tests and the scan, it does appear that I have blood clots on my lungs but they want to do more tests to fully understand. I really wasn't expecting this news. They immediately started treatment by injecting me with tinzaparin in my tummy, which is a blood thinner. They then wheeled me to my ward where I was going to be staying. I told my family, my boyfriend and my boss as I no longer was able to go to work the next day like I thought I would. It was now about 7/8pm and my sister was still with me and as it was winter, it was already dark and the walk to the train station was about 20 minutes away and I had no overnight stuff with me! My boyfriend kindly drove to my house to pick up some essentials for me, made his way over to the hospital and did an exchange of my sister for my stuff, said our goodnights and I was then left alone for the night. I couldn't sleep for so long. The lady next to me kept getting out of bed, wondering around and just the general thoughts going through my head of what I was told just hours before. After eventually falling asleep around 1am, I was woken at about 6am for my temperature and pulse check, fell back asleep for a bit and they turned the lights on for the start of the day. I had cereal and tea for breakfast, had a shower and was ready for what the day was going to bring. I had some doctors and nurses come round to let me know the tests I needed to have so they put a cannula in my hand (first attempt in my arm didn't work) ready for the first test. Some of the other ladies started to chat to me and they were so lovely, making me feel a little more comfortable but as they started getting their visitors, I was so lonely as no one was able to come and see me. But one of the ladies husbands would chat with me, just so I had someone to talk to. The first test I had was a Ventilation-perfusion scan, which is used to examine the flow of air and blood into my lungs. If there was air supply but limited blood, it may result in a pulmonary embolism. To check the air, I inhaled a gas (which was slightly radioactive but totally harmless if you don't have a lot) so that the scan could pick up where the gas was flowing. They had to do it from the left, centre and right side to get all angles, which took about 5 minutes a time. Once they had done that, they did the same through the blood, by injecting me with a radioactive liquid (again, harmless if in small amounts). I had to have one re-done as I think I moved a little bit as it came out fuzzy (oops) but after about 45 minutes - 1 hour, I was done and wheeled back to my ward. I then had lunch, watched some TV for a bit and after waiting a couple of hours, I was told that the results from the Ventilation-perfusion scan had come back inconclusive and therefore, I needed to have another scan to help determine the full extent of my problem. I was gutted. So they had to put another cannula in my other arm for the next scan but had a bit of a dilemma with it because my arm started spewing out a lot of blood. It was down my arm, all over the pillow, bedding and I think it even reached the floor and the walls (no idea how it got there) but I started really freaking out, crying and all I wanted was someone there to comfort me. I had dinner and my second injection and shortly after, my boyfriend came to visit me that evening, but whilst he was there, they said that they could squeeze me in for my CT scan so off I was wheeled for that one. Similar to the Ventilation-perfusion scan, they inject a dye through the cannula and the scan will pick it up. If there is a pulmonary embolism present, it'll show up as a gap in the scan. After chatting with my boyfriend for sometime about everything that's been going on, a doctor came round and confirmed that I had multiple pulmonary embolism, meaning that I actually had it on both lungs, not just the one. Based on that, they wanted me to stay in overnight again as they wanted to confirm if I needed anything further or if, based on the results alone, they were happy in the diagnosis. My boyfriend had to leave me for the night, as he was really hoping to have been able to take me home, so we said our goodnights and off he went. That night was a bit of a tough one as I was just so emotionally and medically drained. It also didn't help that a new lady was wheeled into the ward at silly AM and everytime she would move her arm, this machine would beep until a nurse would shut it off. This happened countless times in the night that I had little to no sleep. It was horrible. It was Wednesday and a new day and hoping that it was going to be the end of being in the hospital. I had my breakfast, the lady was beeping every 2-5 minutes and I was just waiting around to see what was going to happen to me next. Even though the lovely lady (who had the nice chatty husband) was moved, he even came round to check to see how I was and despite that I had no idea who he was when I first went to hospital, it's so nice to see that people can be like that in this day in age. After waiting, eating lunch, having my cannula's removed, I was eventually told that I could go home and doctors would be round in a bit to explain what was found and the plan for me. The doctors had told me that my blood clots was very likely to have been caused from the contraceptive pill that I was only on for about 5 months. They never went into detail about what element it was but likely to have been a hormone that my body couldn't handle very well. They then went on to explain my method of treatment. I was to continue to have the injection up until Friday, but start taking medication called Warfarin from Friday to Sunday and have a blood test on Monday, where they will tell me whether the dosage of Warfarin I'm on is right. This is called INR (International Normalised Ratio), which is used to determine the clotting tendency of blood. I then had to continue taking Warfarin everyday for 6 months. After leaving the hospital, I had to have regular blood tests to ensure that the INR level was right. I had one a week for about a month which then led to become every 2 weeks to a month as I got toward the end of my treatment but it would vary depending on the result. If they saw that the result was too high, my dosage needed to be lower in mg (I was given a packet of 1mg, 3mg and 5mg tablets and had to buy more when I needed them) and vice versa. I then had to have various tests after to make sure nothing was developing further and that the blood clots hadn't come back and/or wasn't affecting my breathing or heart. In December, I had a CT scan on my abdomen to make sure the blood clots hadn't caused problems there. I also had an Echocardiogram appointment a few days after to check my heart was ok and no clots were forming there. Although the CT scan had actually shown I had an ovarian cysts, both scans showed that everything was ok and running smoothly. In February, I then paid a visit to the Respiratory clinic, where I had to breathe into this tube so they could see how my lungs were performing after the blood clots, hopefully seeing that my lung capacity was of a healthy standard. It gets to the end of May and I stop taking my Warfarin, as I need to have a blood test to see if I'm okay to not be on it anymore so I have to give it a month and I have the big blood test, called a Thrombophilia screen. They take about 6 tubes of blood where they perform various tests, which would then determine if I am able to not be on Warfarin anymore. After waiting for 2/3 weeks, I got the result and I got the all clear. I was so happy that I cried. This part of my life is now over and I can start being myself again, not having to constantly worry that the pains I randomly get are due to more blood clots forming. It's over. Due to the fact that this was caused from the contraceptive pill and reading other peoples experiences, I think it needs to be looked into further. Seeing that there has been an increase in people developing these blood clots, and sadly seeing some being fatal, something needs to be done about it, as it's peoples lives at risk. My thoughts? I think as soon as someone starts the pill, they need to be monitored through the blood tests I had and if they notice the results becoming abnormal, then it's likely that they shouldn't be on the pill and need to look into other methods. That way, it's being dealt with a lot sooner than for people like me, who had no idea that it was going on. It's amazing how quickly the human body can react to things like this, so it's important that we react quickly to it. It's listed as being a negative point on various websites but I almost have the impression that people don't take it seriously enough, which I why I hope that this post has given much more of an insight on how serious this can actually be and more to help people understand the process and treatment when you've had blood clots. Like I've said above, there have been sad stories of people passing away from the blood clots, because they didn't know about it or their doctor just gave them antibiotics in hopes that they will just get better over time and it makes me think of how close I was to that situation. I'm so glad that I took it upon myself to get looked at by the doctor and that he actually did something about it. I'm very grateful to everyone who has supported me during these really tough months and I've just started looking at living life to the full, because you just have no idea how quickly it can go from you. Have you had any experiences like this? Do you think more needs to be done to raise awareness? I'd love to hear from you.
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!
I've only been looking into Morphe recently, as I've been on the hunt for some good brands from overseas, to expand my collection and try new things. After seeing Manny, Nikkie and Bretman Rock mention this brand on their Snapchats and talking about how a popular palette has come back into stock, I wanted to see what the hype was all about. I originally was looking at the 35O palette and really like the shades it offered, but didn't buy it at the time. A few weeks later, they started talking about the 35F being available, saying to 'get it while you can' so again, it must have been another popular palette from Morphe. So I decided to have a look to see what this palette was all about and low and behold, there were some of the most nicest, shimmeriest (not that is even a word), prettiest colours I had seen in a palette in a long time and I wasn't going to hold back this time, so I bought it. Although the palette itself was only $22.99 (which works out to about £16/£17, which is so good!), the biggest thing for me was that I had to basically pay the same price of the palette for the shipping, which kind of sucked, but the fact that a real nice palette and shipping cost me about £30 all together, from the USA, it's not all that bad. I had to wait a little while for it to turn up but I wasn't in an absolute rush to get it. After waiting very patiently, I got it, in my hands. I couldn't wait to open it and see it with my own eyes.
This palette is just to die for. The colours are just... I'm just speechless when I look at it. As you can see, naughty me had to do a cheeky little swatch of some colours as I just NEEDED to see how they come out. *slaps hand* But, rather than keeping the shimmery delight to myself, I've done swatches on all of the colours so you all can appreciate this eyeshadow goodness. Unfortunately, the shades don't have names so I've done swatches from top to bottom row, left to right. The top 4 rows are shimmery and the bottom shades are matte. ENJOY!
I do apologise that my swatches are a little messy.
The mixture of finishes and colours really compliment each other as you have an endless amount of combinations that you can use for plenty of occasions. I've honestly never been so in love with an eyeshadow palette. The colours are so lovely and pigmented and still blend so nicely. My favourites ones are probably the 3rd and 4th row, as the colours are gorgeous but it's good that they've added the lighter ones, incase you don't feel too daring with your makeup. Was it worth the price and the wait? Absolutely, yes! I have no flaws with the product or have any regrets buying it. I'm honestly gutted that more brands haven't got a presence in the UK because they could make a killing, although they probably choose the current method of you buying it online because they make a heap of money on shipping it, but I still think it could fit into the UK market perfectly. I'm so glad that I have found the Morphe brand and will definitely be looking into purchasing some more of their palettes in the near future. A very well put together brand, great quality at an affordable price. Do you own any Morphe products? If you do, what's your favourite? Use the comments below, I'd love to hear from you!
Look after yourself,
This blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own and honest!