2017 Resolution Reflection
2017 Resolution Reflection
Sunday, 31 December 2017
I am in a bit of shock that 2017 has come to an end. It only felt like yesterday that I was celebrating my 25th birthday or soaking up some sun in Ibiza back in Summer. But before we ring in a New Year, I wanted to do a quick post and talk about the resolutions I set myself back in January. I set myself some goals that I felt that I could achieve in the year and thought this would be a great chance to see where I got with each one.
This one was something I really wanted to do this year, purely on the basis that I didn't want a fear to get to me. If you've got me on social media or you read the specific blog post, you will know that I actually passed my test first time back in July, with only two minors. I was so chuffed when I got that piece of paper and since then, I actually love driving. I'm much more independent, I've gained confidence and it's allowed me to do things I wouldn't have been able to do when I wasn't able to drive, like see family. I'm so glad that I actually completed this resolution in 2017 because I really wasn't sure if I would have tapped out again.
In all honesty, this on been on the back burner. I wasn't doing too bad earlier this year but as the year got on, I cared less about it, ate bad things and because I was suddenly driving places and not doing much in the week, I slowly gained more weight. I do have plans to change this in 2018 though so, watch this space.
I believe that I have become better with this. Although it is okay to stress out at certain situations, I don't think I do it as often, or don't find myself becoming stressed so early on. Because I have allowed myself that time out from a job and able to focus on the driving, I became more chilled out and didn't want to allow myself to get to that level of stress. Like I said, it's something I still do, just not as often. I still want to work on that in 2018 and hopefully some lifestyles changes and habits will help with that.
This one I have more definitely done. Looking throughout the year, although I've not posted as much as some people do (everyday, every other day or take part in blogtober/blogmas), I posted atleast twice a month. I started off strong with 5 posts in January and although that went down as the months went by, I still uploaded content. I posted 12 times in 2016 and seeing that I have done 32 blog posts in 2017, it may not seem a lot but that's an improvement for me. I've really enjoyed being more constant in the year and it's enabled a brand to reach out to me, something that I didn't think would really happen this year, so that's a bonus. 2018 will be a bit different but still hope that I can continue blogging as much as I can.
So I don't think that I have done too badly with my resolutions this year. The driving I am so happy that I've done and although I didn't lose the weight, that's okay, because I'm going to give it a go next year. As I said above, 2018 is going to be slightly different for me because I have a new job that I'm going to be starting on the 2nd January, whereas 2017, I didn't have one at all. I'm really excited and looking forward to working again, I think my time out has got me back to where I once was. I still want to blog where I can but it just might mean not being as regular but I don't usually stick to a schedule so that won't be too much of a worry for me.
I'm glad that 2017 is done with but super excited for 2018.
Did you manage to achieve your resolutions? Any that you missed out on?
Look after yourself,