Couples Q&A | 8 Years
Thursday, 2 November 2017My boyfriend and I recently celebrated our 8 year anniversary (yes, 8 years) and although we enjoyed being together and going out for a meal, I thought it would be a bit of a laugh to do a Q&A style post, similar to what I saw Rosie of Rosie's Life do. I'm quite intrigued to see how our answers differ so, rather than trying to have a big ol' introduction, let's get straight into it.
Who is first up in the morning?
Me: At the moment him, because he has work but very rarely, I'm up before him.
Him: Me.
Who takes longer to get ready?
Me: Depending on the occasion, it's likely to be me.
Him: Annabelle.
Who apologises first after an argument?
Me: Because I start most of them, commonly it's me.
Him: Annabelle.
Who said "I love you" first?
Me: I really can't remember.
Him: Annabelle.
Who mentioned marriage first?
Me: Ha, probably me.
Him: Annabelle.
Who makes all the decisions?
Me: Neither of us! We're the worst at making decisions, where we always say "I don't mind" and then nothing gets decided.
Him: Me.
Who is the messiest?
Me: He is, end of.
Him: Me.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Me: I'd say him.
Him: Me.
Who is more into their looks?
Me: Neither of us. We're very 'don't like this, don't like that' about ourselves.
Him: Annabelle.
Who spends more money?
Me: Me.
Him: Annabelle.
Who likes to shop more?
Me: Me.
Him: Annabelle.
Who has the bigger wardrobe?
Me: Hahaha, definitely me.
Him: Me.
Who is grumpier in the morning?
Me: Probably me, especially when I've not had a lot of sleep.
Him: Me.
Who does most of the cooking?
Me: I'd like to say we both do this. We enjoying cooking together.
Him: Annabelle.
Who is the better driver?
Me: Well I only passed back in July so I don't have as much experience as he does, so I would say him. Although, he can be a bit of a nutter driver...
Him: Annabelle.
Who cleans more?
Me: Me but he helps out.
Him: Annabelle.
Who gave who the first kiss?
Me: He leaned in for it but we ended up kissing like on the edge of our mouths, haha!
Him: Me.
Who made the first move?
Me: Depends what's considered a move. If it's arranging to meet up for the first time, then me but doing something, he randomly sat on my lap when we met up in college once.
Him: Annabelle.
Who does the dishes?
Me: The dishwasher.
Him: Annabelle.
Who does the laundry?
Me: Mixture of both of us.
Him: Annabelle.
Who's a bed hog?
Me: Me, although he does it occasionally.
Him: Annabelle.
Who is always running late?
Me: I don't think either of us are known to running late to things. I think we're both alright.
Him: Annabelle.
Who takes longer to shower?
Me: He does. A good 20 minute, half hour shower.
Him: Me.
Who is the biggest baby when they get sick?
Me: Umm, probably him. As soon as he gets a cough, instant man flu.
Him: Annabelle.
Who mows the lawn?
Me: Neither of us, he's done it like once or twice.
Him: Me.
Who holds their alcohol better?
Me: Neither of us I don't think. I think he can drink slightly more before getting sick.
Him: Me.
Who has the best taste in decorating?
Me: Well, we've not really decorated much so hard to pick one of us.
Him: Me.
Who has the best taste in music?
Me: Probably him, he's got me into a lot of his type of music.
Him: Me.
So after reading through this, the majority of the questions we agreed on but those few where we said different things did make me laugh. Another thing that I found amusing was how his answers was just either 'Me' or 'Annabelle', whereas some of mine, I had a bit more to it. I didn't say how he had to answer them, I let him do it how he wanted to. I think we know each other fairly well and answering a few questions was fun to do.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How well do you think you know each other?
Look after yourself,