Review: Superdrug | Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser
Tuesday, 4 April 2017I've been wanting to get the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser for a while but I'm trying to seek drugstore/cheaper alternatives of products before jumping the gun for the expensive ones. So I saw that a fellow blogger Lauren (her blog is, go check it out, she's a babe!) suggested to another blogger that the Superdrug Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser was a good alternative to the Liz Earle one. I like taking suggestions/advice from other bloggers so I sneakily took this one and went to Superdrug to go and purchase it.
Once I took it out the box, I noticed that you get a lot for your money. It was priced at £4.99 for 200ml, which is an absolute bargain. You also get a decent sized muslin cloth too! On the back of the box, it just goes through the steps on how to apply and rinse, the ingredients and it mentions that it's suitable for vegans too. This is ideal for Normal to Dry skin and if you couldn't already guess, this contains natural Vitamin E, so it's going to be a gem for you and your skin.
So the cleanser itself is a thick-ish cream, which smells like sun cream, which I personally don't mind the smell of, but I know some people don't really like it that much. Although it is quite thick, once you start rubbing it into your skin, it thins down quite nicely and doesn't feel ridiculously heavy on your face. If you leave it for a certain period of time, you do notice that it seems to start disappearing on you, but that's because it's soaking into your skin. It's also really good to remove makeup so you'd just apply the cleanser to your face in the same way, when you're still painted and it just melts it all off, which is good in my books.
(Why am I so awk in photos? Haha)
I'm not sure how much I was meant to apply to my face, but didn't want to go adding too much the first time round but once it was all over the face and neck (avoiding your eyes), I went to go and wash it off with hot water with my muslin cloth. As I was washing it off, I saw that my face was becoming noticeably red where the cleanser was, so I'm not sure if I left it too long on my face (I did faff for a few minutes before actually washing it), if I had too much on, my skin wasn't liking it or if it's actually meant to do that but it wasn't stinging or anything, I was just a bit toasty. When I had completely polished it all off with the cloth, I just gave my face a dash of cold water and patted my face dry with a towel.
Once I was all cleaned and dried, my skin felt lovely and soft to the touch. Overall, this cleanser seems to be a really good buy. Obviously, I can't compare it's effectiveness against the Liz Earle cleanser but if you're on a budget and you just need something to help remove makeup and give your skin a good clean, then this is something I'd recommend.
Do you own this cleanser? What are your thoughts?