Swatches + Review: Kylie Cosmetics | KKW Crème Liquid Lipsticks
Sunday, 21 May 2017So this has been a long anticipated review because it feels like I've been waiting ages to receive these but I finally have my hands on a Kylie Cosmetics product, more importantly, the Kim Kardashian West collab. I'm not really sure why I got these. I've never really had the urge to buy anything before from Kylie Cosmetics (apart from the Valentine's collection which I missed out on) but I was kind of intrigued to see what the hype is all about. It's a shame that I won't be able to compare this with any other Kylie Cosmetic product, as this is my first, but I'm sure there are people out there where this is their first product too. So, let's get cracking on the review.
When I got this out of the box, I was really taken by the packaging. The matte baby pink box is so beautiful and it's co-ordinated nicely with the nude pink lettering and the nude liquid lipsticks, so that's already a thumbs up on that. I like the design of this, where you have sleeve and a box containing the liquid lipsticks, rather than having them in separate thin, tube-like boxes. Again, the baby pink theme continues inside the box and on the the detailing on the lipsticks, alongside the tubes with a frosty glass look. Although I'm pretty sure the one of the left, it's lid is a slightly darker pink than the rest (not sure if anyone else has that too) so it's a shame that there isn't consistency. Although you can notice it more in the photo, you'd have to really stare at it when you're actually holding it and looking to see that difference in colour. Apart from that minor gripe, everything else is looking good so far. On the back, you just have the information on the names of the lipsticks plus it's ingredients.
(ew, sorry for catching my arm hairs in the swatches)
For the swatches, the colours have come out slightly different than what I had originally thought but that's not a bad thing. If anything, these are a lot more pigmented and brighter in colour. From left to right, you have Kimberly, Kim, Kiki and Kimmie, which is the same order as they are in the boxes. As you can see, Kim and Kiki are quite similar but Kim has a slightly more peach tone to it. These are of a creamy, glossy formula, which is apparently new for Kylie, so they aren't going to be long lasting like a matte liquid lip. What that'll mean is that after a little while, it will start to wear off, especially if you're eating or drinking. So if you are expecting these to last long like a matte formula, then these aren't for you. When applying on the lips, it did glide nicely, but it's worth going in for a second dip so you just get a bit more colour, especially with the lighter ones. They felt nice on the lips, not too heavy and doesn't dry them out, like some matte formulas can do. Out of these, my favourites are Kiki and Kimmie.
As for the price, these were going for $45, which is roughly £34/£35 (works out to about £8 per lipstick) which is slightly above drug store prices but pretty good as a high ended brand. The unfortunate thing was that, being in the UK, I had to pay nearly $15 (approx. £11) for the shipping and then about the same for the customs, so I almost paid the same amount for shipping and customs as the product alone, which was a bit of a sting to the bank balance.
So overall, I really liked the packaging and the lipsticks themselves (although they could be some really small improvements) but the only thing I was bummed about was purely just the price for it, but that's the price I pay I guess for living in the UK :( Would I buy something from Kylie Cosmetics again? Maybe. It would depend on what the product is, colours, price etc. but I'm not going to rush and get myself a lip kit anytime soon. If you are a massive lover of nude shades then yeah, go for it.
Do you own these lipsticks? Do you feel the same way?
Look after yourself,

Oooh these lipsticks look really pretty. I like the colour of them. The packaging is really nice too, it’s why I look for when purchasing products.