Look Fantastic Beauty Box | January 2017
Sunday, 12 February 2017I've never signed up for beauty subscription boxes before. I have been looking into them for a while, but just never got round to buying one myself. For Christmas, my boyfriend said that he'd pay for me to have a subscription to a beauty box for 12 months, suggesting that Look Fantastic appeared to be a front runner. I went with his suggestion and so, I'm now looking forward to getting 12 boxes full of different goodies each month. Although I got this at the beginning of January, I didn't want to post anything too early incase it would spoil it for people who were still expecting theirs, so I've left it much later. Never having a beauty box before, I didn't know what to expect but was still excited nevertheless.
Upon arriving at my house, I opened up and saw this cute package, which included an Elle Magazine, the Look Fantastic magazine (which gives detail on what's inside the box and what it does) but most importantly, the beauty box itself, which I couldn't wait to delve into.
Reviewing the box contents, I only know of one brand, Pixi (I have the Glow Tonic) but the good thing about beauty boxes is that I can try different products and they might actually work really well. So without further ado, let's have a little look at the products in the Look Fantastic January box.
The first product that I was instantly drawn to was the Trifle Cosmetics Liquid Glow. The packaging alone is very pleasing to look at, all pink and covered in little ice creams. Love it! I've not heard of this brand before but I had a quick look on their site and their other products look really nice. It's vegan and 100% cruelty-free, which is something a lot of people will be happy to hear. This lightweight liquid luminizer will give skin a little rosy finish and priced at £15.96 on their website, this is a great product to start the year off with and I look forward to using it.
Next up, it's the Nuxe Lotion Tonique Douce, which is a toning lotion. I've seen the brand name dotted around Boots but never have actually looked into the brand and it's products. Infused with rose, it helps soothes and refreshes, suitable for sensitive and normal to dry skin. The only other toner I have is from Pixi but I'm going to start giving this a try, see how it compares. It's a perfect travel size, at 35ml but a 100ml bottle from their website is priced at £9. Another great product to the first box of the year.
Third product in, and it's this mascara from Jelly Pong Pong (what a name). Again, not a brand I've heard of before but you can't go wrong with having a mascara in the Beauty Box. It's called the Fairy Lashes Curl, which can be bought from their website at £17.95. The packaging is pretty usual for a mascara but love the colour scheme it's got going. I've not actually applied this to my lashes yet, but the bristles are a nice size and looks like it's going to add some serious curls. I've been using my current mascara for nearly a year now so it's good to have a new one in the collection and can't wait to try it.
Here is the Brow Tamer by Pixi. Pixi is the only brand where I actually own something else from them but aside from that, I've never actually used a brow gel. It's something I've never really looked at using so I'm quite keen to try and see what it does for my brows. This soothing formula, containing Aloe Vera and Panthenol, helps conditions your brows so that it'll leave them silky smooth. Priced at £12 from their site, this is another great addition to this months box.
Next up, something that looks really interesting, is the Don't Despair, deep condition mask from Briogeo. I haven't ever really used hair masks before, although it has crossed my mind of something I'd like to try and start doing, so why not start it off buy using this. Some key ingredients include Rosehip Oil, Algae Extract, B-Vitamins and Almond Oil, each with a benefit to get some luscious locks. I'm really keen to start trying this and going by the reviews on the site, (mainly all with 5 stars), it must be really good. For a 236ml tub, it retails at $36, which seems a little pricy but it's likely that the product goes a long way and is worth the money.
Last but not least, are these rose gold tweezers from The Vintage Cosmetic Company. I've not really heard of them but have seen them about on Twitter recently. I've been needed a new pair of tweezers for a while so it was perfect timing that they were in this box. I love the colour of these and comes in lovely floral packaging.
For my first ever subscription to a Beauty Box, I am honestly really happy with what I got. I can't wait to try out some new and exciting products in the near future. I'm really looking forward to the next 11 boxes I get.
Are you signed up to any Beauty Boxes? Which ones? Do you own any of these products and use them on a daily basis?
Look after yourself,